Sex Ed and Trauma-informed Care Classes Coming Up!
We’re ramping up for a New Year full of education! We have three classes coming up in January and April that we’d like you to know about:
Trauma-informed Care
Join Dr. Julia Bernard for our Trauma-informed Care Train the Trainer workshop. During this 8-hour training to become a trauma-informed care workshop facilitator you will learn best practices, develop a deeper understanding of the topic, and, if you complete the training successfully, leave certified to train trainers by the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). Taking Trauma-informed Care Training previously is a prerequisite.
CEUs are available for this class through ETSU; please include this in your purchase when you register.
Comprehensive Sex Ed for Kindergarten-2nd Grade and 4th-6th Grade
Some of the great books we recommend for young children in our Resources section.
RISE is offering an 8-week session for Kindergarten-2nd graders at a local church in Gray. If there still are openings available by Jan. 10, community members will be welcome to attend. If you are interested in this program for your child, please email to be placed on the waiting list.
We also are offering a 10-week session for 4th-6th graders on Thursday evenings in Gray from 6-7:30. This is a community-based workshop and everyone is welcome. A facilitator also will be availale in the guardian hang-out room to answer questions and facilitate conversation if guardians are interested.
RISE uses the Our Whole Lives (OWL) sexuality education curricula because they are age-appropriate, trauma-informed, and inclusive and affirming. OWL programs nurture and support the three Rs of childhood sexuality education--respect, relationships, and responsibility--by helping children increase self-respect and respect for others, build relationships with members of all genders and with many kinds of families, and understand their responsibilities regarding their own health and that of others. It helps children
A couple of the books we recommend for middle grade students in our Resources section.
Strengthen and support their sense of self and self-esteem.
Recognize and appreciate their bodies as good and beautiful, private and their own.
Gain understanding and accurate, age-appropriate information about human bodies, development, and reproduction.
Develop more effective communication skills.
Learn to make decisions that respect themselves and others and that anticipate possible consequences.
Learn about healthy habits and what to do when they don't feel safe or respected.
OWL engages families in open communication about life questions and reinforces guardians' role as their children's most important sexuality educators.
If you have questions about any of these upcoming programs, please call or text Cindi Huss, our managing director, at 423-250-3046, or email
These programs are funded in part by a grant from the Fund for Unitarian Universalist Social Responsibility.