How do I choose?!

There are loads of options for preventing STIs and pregnancy. Folx have a lot to take into account when making a decision. Here are two resources from Bedsider and a brochure from RISE that can help!

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Cind HussComment
Please take action!

RISE can help you keep up with bills that matter during the TN legislative session. RISE shares information about bills related to sexual and reproductive health, sex ed, and civil rights as they relate to these and sex and gender on Instagram (@risehfl) and Facebook (@Rise.HealthyforLife).

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Cind HussComment
Help fund period products for our neighbors!

RISE: Healthy for Life invites you to help support our neighbors--it takes a community. Help us prevent school and work absences, embarrassment, and hardship by donating to provide period products for free in our region.

RISE partners with about 15 organizations to provide period products to their clients, and we provide them at all of our programming and events as well. And people are soooooo excited to get free period products!

In the past 6 month we have given away more than 3,000 period products, and demand is still growing.

Please donate to prevent school/work absences and shame while lightening the burden for people with periods—and their families!

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Cind HussComment
Triennial Community Member Survey

This Community Member Survey is a comprehensive data collection effort to identify the strengths, challenges, and opportunities to address and improve health in the Appalachian Highland RegionThank you for helping us identify the most pressing issues the Appalachian Highland Region is facing. The survey should take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. 

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Cind HussComment
Stellar Sex Ed Facilittor Training Jan 23-24, 2024

This training will enable facilitators to provide Stellar Sex Ed to middle- and high-school youth and adults AND to "stellarize" other curricula so it is more affirming and trauma-informed while adhering to local and state restrictions.

Facilitator training will cover curriculum content as well as facilitation best practices and tips for making any sex ed more accessible to all neurotypes, genders, colors, abilities, and orientations. Electronic access to the curriculum is included for trainees who complete the course successfully.

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Cind HussComment