Tri-FACETS Community Needs Assessment
Thank you for filling out this needs assessment!
Tri-FACETS (or Families, Friends, and Facilitators for Appalachian Community Education on Transgender Support) is an organization funded by the ETSU Elevates grant program and in partnership with ETSU student Matthew Gardenhour, RISE: Healthy for Life, and the Pride Community Center of Johnson City. Our goal is to provide workshops in a neutral place for people who want to learn how to support transgender and queer people in our community.
To help develop the curriculum, Matthew is conducting a needs assessment. Nothing from the survey will be distributed to the public. It will only be used to inform the curriculum.
If you are interested in learning more about what it means to be queer and how one can navigate that in an engaging, affirming, and educated way, please fill out this short survey to help Matthew develop this program and/or to receive notifications of upcoming workshops.