“Making sex, intimacy,
and relationships a regular conversation at home is a recommended best-practice for families but for us it did not come naturally. OWL gave our teen and us language and topics to help us get that conversation started. I 100%
recommend it!”
“I think I learned something about myself that I’ve wondered for awhile.”
“I work in a field that deals with children who have been abused sexually, there needs to be education surrounding accurate and appropriate sex education. This needs to start early in life.”
“I did not receive good sex ed as a child and I wish I had. More inclusive, honest, supportive sex ed info is MUCH needed in the East TN area.”
“Inclusive sexuality education affirms, values, and empowers all human beings. It helps us create safe spaces where folks know and feel they belong and in those spaces we can foster reciprocal connections with others. Through those connections we build our resilient village.”
“RISE is so much more than simply talking about sex and whether or not to have it. It is about empowering people, bodily autonomy, consent, respect, and compassion.”